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Listed below are the rules that apply to guests requesting to appear on WCBI Midday and WCBI Sunrise, WCBI Sunrise Saturday, and Mid-Morning with Aundrea. We have tried to address all issues but some may not be listed below and will be decided on a case-by-case basis.

1.Please email us at news@wcbi.com to make a request. Not all requests can be fulfilled.

2. We can accommodate two guests per interview segment. No one will be allowed to stand during the interview segment.

3. Please arrive by 6:00 am. for WCBI Sunrise, unless otherwise stated.

4. Please arrive by 11:45 a.m. for Midday, unless otherwise stated.

5. Please arrive by 2:15 p.m. for Mid Morning with Aundrea, unless
otherwise stated.

6. Please arrive by 8:45 a.m. for WCBI Sunrise Saturday, unless otherwise stated.

7. We accept community events sponsored by non-profits, cities, counties, and school districts. Each event should be of interest to our viewing audience.

8. Please send your request in as early as possible. Include any flyers, pictures, or posters you would like us to possibly air during the interview in your request.

9. Midday is not available for guests on Fridays.

10. Mid Morning is a topical program and is unable to accept requests for events hosted by individuals or religious organizations.

11. WCBI is unable to accept any church reunions, church conferences, pastoral anniversaries, or dinner on the grounds interview segments. Please go to https://www.wcbi.com/local-events/ to have your event posted on the WCBI Community Calendar.

12. Live music performances will not be allowed on set.

13. Please turn all cell phones, watches, and other devices to silent during the newscast.

14. Please ensure all children and pets do not disturb the staff during the newscast.

15. WCBI reserves the right to decline guest requests not specifically listed above.


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