Emmett Till to be honored on 82nd birthday with national monument status

WASHINGTON (WCBI) – Emmett Till will be honored on his 82nd birthday with national monument status.

Tuesday, President Joe Biden is expected to name three locations including the Tallahachie County Courthouse in Sumner, Graball Landing near the Tallahatchie River, and the Roberts Temple Church of God in Christ in Chicago as protected monuments.

The three spots will highlight Till’s legacy and pay tribute to the work of his mother, activist Mamie Till-Mobley.

In 1955, Emmett Till was 14 years old when he visited family in the Delta. Charged with allegedly whistling at a white woman, Till was kidnapped and lynched, his body tossed in the river.

His mother held an open casket funeral for her son at their church in Chicago. It was a pivotal moment in the Civil Rights movement at the time.

In March 2022, Biden signed the Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Act into law, making lynching a federal hate crime.

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