Area agencies spread word about Mental Health Awareness

CHOCTAW COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – May is Mental Health Awareness Month, and area agencies are trying to get the word out about available services.

The team at Crossroads Behavioral Health in Ackerman hosted an event to celebrate their patients and to let others in the community know that they are there to help.

Mississippi’s Mental Health System has received some negative publicity in recent years, and one of the chief complaints has been a lack of access, especially in rural areas.

And even though there is a greater focus on mental health now, many are still reluctant to seek help, especially among the older population.

Crossroads is working to create a greater awareness locally.

“That mental health is just as important as physical health; that there’s no shame to it. We all have different areas where we’re strong, different areas where we’re weak, and when we need help, and we all need help sometimes, we’ve got to reach out and get that help,” said Charity Gordon, CBH Therapist.

“A lot of people are not aware of the resources that are available to them, so we try to do marketing, things like this, to get out there that this program is here and available if the help is needed,” said Monica Potts CBH Director.

Crossroads is an outpatient-based program that provides group and individual therapy.

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