Campground owner offers ways to have fun while staying safe

"Memorial Day is the unofficial start of the summer."

WINSTON COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Luke White is the owner of Lake Tiak-O’Khata in Winston County. He said Memorial Day weekend is shaping up to be near perfect for a family getaway.

“With the great weather that we are going to have this weekend, it is not as hot as it can be yet, so people can look forward to a great time in a safe environment,” said White.

The nice weather will give campers, like Ronnie Eubanks, a chance to make the most of the great outdoors.

He said coming to Lake Tiak-O’Khata is a family tradition.

“I plan on coming out here Thursday and staying all weekend, and just having a great time. This is a beautiful lake and it is a great atmosphere with great food, and I have been coming here for a long time, for over 50 years,” said Eubanks. “I love getting out in the campfires and doing some fishing. Family is the main thing, I like getting with family and having a good time.”

White knows there will be a huge crowd this weekend because of the holidays, which is why he said safety is a big priority.

“If you look around our property, there is yellow everywhere. We are making sure we have a safe environment, and we have security here 24/7, especially for a holiday weekend,” said White.

Eubanks also understands how important safety is when it comes to being around water.

“You just have to be aware of your surroundings, be safe, and take precautions about what you are doing,” said Eubanks.

White said he expects more than 1,200 people to camp at Lake Tiak-O’khata this weekend.

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