Families in Pontotoc react to damaging storms

PONTOTOC, Miss. (WCBI) – It’s a scene that is familiar to many across the state.

Tornadoes ripped through several parts of Northeast Mississippi late Friday night and early Saturday morning.

In Pontotoc, people around the Highway 41 area woke up to see a different reality Saturday morning.

Mary Farr lost her home during the storm and crews were working hard to find anything they could salvage.

“I’m just so thankful we have people who care enough to come out and help us,” said Farr.

Farr and her family moved into what they thought would be their forever home in 2004. Building it from the ground up they hadn’t imagined this would be what’s left of it today.

“We haven’t slept. We have been up all night. We didn’t realize the gravity of the damage until sunlight,” said Farr.

This isn’t the first time severe weather has hit the area.

In 2001, an EF4 tornado touched down 23 miles across Pontotoc County killing several people.

When the Farrs were building their home, they wanted to take measures in case severe weather rolled through again. They built their house with hurricane ties and installed a storm shelter two years after moving in.

Luckily, the Farrs made it to their storm shelter before the weather hit, but not before debris covered the door causing them to get stuck inside.

“My daughter was on the outside telling us, you know, and we called 911 from inside the shelter and it took them about 45 minutes to cut their way to us,” said Farr.

Just next door, the Allen family also took a big hit to their home.

The family was taking cover in the laundry room when the storms came and ripped off the top half. Rob Allen said if it weren’t for his wife waking the family up, they wouldn’t have made it to their safe spot.

“I guess reality sets in. I had to look and walk through my house and you look up and you see the sky. I just think of my son’s room and there is no roof there and I’m just thankful my wife was able to get him out of the room,” said Allen.

While they continue to pick up what is left of their home, Allen said it is still a lot to process.

“We’re kind of shocked right now. She and I will have to assess some things and see where it goes we like where we are sitting. good neighbors. We just have some thinking to do,” said Farr.

Both families are fortunate to have other places to stay while dealing with this tragedy, but they are thankful for the kindness and support they have already received from the community.

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