Governor candidates hit the stage at Neshoba County Fair

NESHOBA COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – The only thing hotter than the weather this week has been the campaign rhetoric coming out of the Pavillion at the Neshoba County Fair.

Chanting and strong beliefs could be heard at the Neshoba County Fair Thursday morning.

Democratic candidate Brandon Presley felt the state needs to clean up some things.

“My message for cleaning up the corruption is a message that a lot of other Republicans are buying into and independents, so we’re reaching out to all 82 counties,” said Presley.

As well as trying to save Mississippians some money.

“I think we need to eliminate the sales tax on groceries we can up the legislative rebates to counties to reduce the cost of car tags in half and those are tax credits that help the most Mississippians,” said Presley.

Republican candidate and current Governor Tate Reeves felt his opponent and supporters disagree with how he does things but he stands firm on his tactics.

“We know that money is going to come in from the west coast, it’s going to come in from the east coast not because they care who my opponent is it’s because they do not like me because what I stand for is conservative leadership what I stand for is Mississippi being the state that overturned Roe. V. Wade,” said Reeves.

The crowd wasn’t short on opinions either.

“I’ve come here to support Governor Reeves the past couple of years and after the jobs he’s done, and I think that’s why it’s important to register to vote because we can get people out to support the governor, I’m going to support the governor this fall and I hope others will so we’re going to need him for another term,” said Reeves supporter Robert Walker.

Candidates are expected to make more appearances around the state before the primaries in August.

Reeves still has to defeat two challengers in the August 8 Primary to go on to November’s General Election.

Presley is unopposed on the Democratic ballot.

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