Helping Hands in Columbus gets started on annual fan drive

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – We haven’t hit June yet, but it’s already getting hot outside, and an agency in Lowndes County wants to make sure residents can stay cool.

Many people don’t have air conditioning or adequate cooling in their homes.

That’s where Helping Hands in Columbus comes in.

The nonprofit has started its annual fan drive.

Helping Hands is accepting new fans of any size.

They will distribute these to Lowndes County residents who need them.

The fan drive is in its second week, and already the group has distributed 36 fans.

Executive Director Jennifer Garrard said staying cool is about more than comfort, it’s also a matter of health and safety this time of year.

“Sometimes our fans are the only source of cooling that someone will have in their home. So, it’s important for us to keep this program going, that’s been going for several years now. So, we are honored to be able to offer this to our Lowndes County residents,” said Garrard.

If you would like to donate a fan or receive a fan, you can go to the Helping Hands Office at 223 22nd Street North in Columbus, Monday through Thursday between 9 a.m. and 1 p.m.

Fans are available to residents of Lowndes County. You will need a driver’s license, a social security card, and your current electric bill.

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