Aggressive, invasive plant spreading in Mississippi lakes

JACKSON, Miss. (WCBI0 – The Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks Fisheries Bureau is warning of a aggressive, invasive nonnative plant spreading in local lakes.

Giant Salvinia has bound found in Pickwick, Bay Springs, Columbus, and Aberdeen Lakes, Ross Barnett Reservoir and the Pascagoula River Marsh.

Fisheries biologist Dennis Riecke said it’s a serious situation because when invasive species are introduced in to the water it is very expensive and difficult to control.

Riecke believes that since the plant has been found in several different lakes, it’s spreading by boaters accidentally putting it in the water while washing off boat trailers.

“Anglers and boaters can help stop the spread of all aquatic plants by inspecting their boats and trailers for aquatic plants after each use,” said Riecke. “Boaters and anglers should always clean, drain and dry their boating equipment after each use and certainly before traveling to fish or boat at a different location to limit the spread of aquatic invasive species.”

Boaters and anglers are encouraged to report all nonnative aquatic species to the MDWFP Fisheries Bureau.



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