Dogs are being put down in an unusual way in Winona

Stray dogs are dying in Winona but not in the way that many would think

WINONA, Miss. (WCBI) – Stray dogs are dying in Winona but not in the way that many would think. City leaders said stray dogs are supposed to stay in the pound for 10 days and if they’re not adopted then they’re taken to a vet where they are euthanized.

However, a new animal control officer is being accused of skipping that trip to the vet. It’s not uncommon to see stray dogs roaming the streets of Winona.

What is uncommon, and unacceptable to many residents there is how some of those dogs have reportedly been handled, and they want it to stop.

“Four dogs from the impoundment facility were taken out near the water treatment plant, tied to the bumper, and shot one at a time,” said Winona Animal Advocacy Group member Doll Stanley.

Stray dogs roaming the town is a growing issue in Winona.

Stanley and Carol Griffin, have seen many stray dogs over the years. They said the former animal control officer did his best to find the fur babies home before having to take them to a vet to be euthanized.

However, they said that’s not the case with the new animal control officer.

Stanley said the officer took four dogs out of the pound and shot them, placed them in bags, then threw them into a dumpster.

“It was so heavy that we could only uncover two but it was gruesome one of the dogs was shot below the eye,” said Stanley.

Stanley said she and others feel that there should be consequences for that officer and the police chief since the police department is in charge of animal control.

“The police chief and the animal control officer who on his first day on the job, son-in-law of the mayor, shot those innocent dogs, they need to be fired,” said Stanley.

Winona Police Chief Roshaun Daniels did not answer WCBI’s calls or respond to attempts to contact him.

Mayor Aaron Dees wouldn’t talk to us on camera, but he did make a Facebook post a week ago addressing the issue.

In part of the post, Dees said “the new officer didn’t want to euthanize in this manner but he was following his supervisor’s instructions and the law we have been advised”.

“We have got to work towards spaying and neutering in our community and we expect the animal control officer to work with the people. You don’t have to pick up every dog you get a call on you can work on solutions,” said Griffin.

The board of alderman, police chief and members of the community have met since the incident, but action has been taken.

Alderwoman Sylvia Clark said this isn’t something she or Winona residents should put up with.

“I do not participate nor do I advocate any wrong treatment of animals so what I want to do is get this whole situation resolved and get it resolved in a correct and humane way and that we as taxpayers and as citizens of Winona should step forward and try to prevent this from ever happening again,” said Clark.

The next meeting about the situation will be on Tuesday, March 21, 2023, at 5 p.m.

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