First United Methodist Church hosts Thanksgiving dinner

STARKVILLE Miss. (WCBI)- Thanksgiving is a holiday that most people spend with their families, but not everyone has that opportunity. First United Methodist Church in Starkville hosted a Thanksgiving meal for students who needed a home for the holiday.

“They are not able to really be with their families doing the holidays and this is just an opportunity to give them a warm meal and to be able to enjoy Thanksgiving”

Director Armondo Last Name says this was also an opportunity to show international students some Thanksgiving traditions and the history of the holiday.

“A lot of international students of course learn what Thanksgiving dinner is and how important it is in the United States and so it is an introduction to them on
a big important part of the history of the US because they talk to our guests on how the United States got started with thanksgiving dinner”

Community member, Nadia Mcclellan brought her family to the event. She says it’s a way
to give international students exposure to the English language and culture.

“Absolutely this is helping them learn about the American culture so they can practice speaking English for those who need that and I think this gives them a good memory to have”

Nearly 200 people came out to the event.

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