LCBS discusses road conditions along Airport Road

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Economic development in the Golden Triangle isn’t without its headaches. One of those can be traffic conditions.

At a Lowndes County Board of Supervisors meeting, District 5 Supervisor Leroy Brooks brought conditions along Airport Road to the attention of the rest of the board.

Heavy traffic and a lack of signage have caused confusion and, in some cases, dangerous situations on the road.

There have been incidents of drivers getting confused and ending up in the wrong lane, finding themselves in near head-on collisions with other vehicles.

The area sees heavy commuter traffic with people heading to and from work, along with heavy truck traffic.

Supervisors are going to present their concerns to Highway Commissioners.

“It’s one of those things I hope that they will put at the top of their list to try and correct it. If they don’t want to do it, then give us the authority and let us take care of it because it is a dangerous situation,” said Brooks.

Supervisors would like to see some improvements made before construction on the new Aluminum Dynamics plant gets into full swing.

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