One Coach Moves From The Court To The Mission Field

WEBSTER COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – One area coach is moving from the basketball court, to the mission field.

On the court Coach Seger may look a little rough and tough when it comes to a game of basketball. Many Wolverine’s though describe it as passion. A passion for the game and a passion for his players.

“He made me better at basketball of course. He pushes me to better on the floor. He pushes me to work hard after practice, but also aside from that he teaches me to be a better person,” said senior Charlie Brand.

This past weekend was the last game senior Charlie Brand will play under Coach Seger. Coach Seger’s calling is moving from the free throw line, thousands of miles away to Eastern Africa to build a school and home for vulnerable children.

“Basically we’ll be starting this from the ground up. It’s not currently running. It’s under construction right now. We’ll help oversee construction when we arrive. We’ll be hiring teachers, kitchen staff, caretakers for children younger than school age,” said Coach Seger.

Missions have been a calling on the lives of Coach Seger and his wife since college. A church in Alabama was looking for a couple like the Seger’s to permanently live in Uganda.

“For six months their church was praying a couple would approach them to move to Uganda,” said Seger.

After hours of prayer, the timing seemed perfect. Nothing short of a miracle coach Seger Described.

“We’re just ready to go and be a part of what he’s doing over in Uganda, and we want to be a blessing to those who often get over looked,” said Seger.

Ending his coaching career in North Mississippi, Coach Seger says is bittersweet. It may not have been the ending he’d hoped for by winning a state championship, but he says it’s not about winning. His roll as coach was much bigger.

“I didn’t get into coaching for winning and losing, the eternal impact that’s been made here far out weigh any win or any statistic we could have accomplish on the court,” said Seger.

Going back to that word passion, Seger says it’s his passion to make spiritual impacts that carry on from generation to generation.

“The opportunity to spend time with my teams and our students for the last year, I’ve seen it as a gift,” said Seger.

A gift his Wolverine team with forever cherish.

Coach Seger’s last day on campus is next Friday. He and his family will move to Uganda April 17th.

Categories: Local News

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