Caledonia middle schooler receives spelling bee trophy at school

CALEDONIA, Miss. (WCBI) – A Caledonia seventh grader left school with a little extra hardware.

David Heyman had a special visitor at school.

Lois Kappler from the Mississippi Spelling Bee dropped by Heyman’s classroom to present him with a trophy for being the co-champion of the recently held Mississippi Spelling Bee.

Heyman shares the honor with Azariah Green of Hernando after the two spectacular spellers tied at the state bee.

To prepare for the state competition Heyman studied a list of around 4,000 words.

For the Scripps National Bee in Washington D.C., the pool of words is a little deeper.

“For the National Spelling Bee, the list is the dictionary. So, I have to switch to a different method for studying, because you can’t study all of the words in the dictionary,” said Heyman.

“Well, it’s never too early to start. I mean, it’s all done basically from reading. Reading wets the hook that captures their interest and their love of language. So, yeah, I do encourage teachers, parents, to continue in reading programs,” said Kappler.

The Scripps National Spelling Bee is from May 26 through May 31 in Washington D.C.

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