Governor Candidate Brandon Presley says he plans to work across parties

PONTOTOC COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – The Democrat candidate for Governor in Mississippi said he would work across party lines if elected and would not follow the lead of national Democrat leaders.

We caught up with Brandon Presley during an announcement for natural gas expansion in Pontotoc County and the Democrat candidate said he has worked hard to build support from Democrats, Republicans, and Independents.

Presley said voters respond to his message, regardless of party affiliation.

“I think it’s bringing together a coalition. Come election day, we’re going to beat him and send him into the unemployment line. I’m pleased to have the support of Republicans across the state, as we invite them to be part of our campaign as we clean up corruption, save hospitals in Mississippi, get sales tax off groceries, cut car tag fees in half, and return people’s right to vote again through the ballot initiative process,” said Presley.

The general election is on November 7.

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