Home Depot Foundation donates thousands to tornado recovery efforts

AMORY, Miss. (WCBI) – The Home Depot Foundation recently donated $200,000 to tornado recovery efforts for the ones that lost their homes and other properties Friday night.

After the donation, Home Depot even had over 70 people volunteer their time to help the community clean up the city of Amory and they even set up a tent to feed people.

Team Depot Captain Latoya Fields and other volunteers from the group said while Home Depot did donate money they are proud to donate their time to the people who need it.

“We are huge on giving back to our community and our community is going through a tough time right now so anything we can do to help them we are going to do it,” said Fields.

“If one Home Depot Team is in need we are all in need. We are all family. Home Depot is one family no matter where we are at,” said Art Pruitt, a volunteer.

Home Depot plans to bring another team to help out at a later date.

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