Lee County Schools opens Career and Technical Education Center

The CTE is located in The Hive, the newest industrial park in Lee County

LEE COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – A new career and technical education center open for students in Lee County Schools.

As the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the Career and Technical Education Center was underway, Brady Schoolar was teaching students in his HVAC class how to properly, and safely, operate a soldering torch.

It is one of eight courses taught to students at the CTE Center.  Other courses include construction, advanced manufacturing, a drone program and culinary arts.

Each course is two years.  It’s hands-on learning that equips students for the life, after high school.

“Regardless of what that life brings, if that’s employment,  if that’s increasing, or going to more school, they can do either, after the completion of these programs, we’re preparing them, college and career, career and college ready, whichever direction they decide to go,” said Supt. Coke Magee.

It is also more convenient for students and teachers.  Before the 33,000  square foot CTE building opened, career and tech classes were held at various schools.

“Since we’ve been at the center, the students have blossomed, they are excited, eager to come out here every day and learn, today they made sausage balls and Oreo balls, hands-on, and before they were just behind a computer,” said Culinary Instructor Mindy Smith.

“There’s a lot of equipment here, you probably wouldn’t see, anybody can get an old used air conditioner and tear it apart, and put it together, we have training equipment so these students will get the best education as far as this goes,” Schoolar said.

The Career and Technical Center is located in the middle of  The Hive, a new industrial park that is being developed.  It means a lot of opportunities for students and the industries, that will locate here.

“It will be the crown jewel of The Hive, because, as these students learn different technical capabilities they will be able to pursue that with some of the industries we will recruit at The Hive over the next five and ten years,” said David Rumbarger, president of the Community Development Foundation.

The CTE is at 50% capacity with 180 students, but they expect it to fill up, once word gets out about the state-of-the-art center.

Students from Mooreville, Saltillo, and Shannon high schools will take classes at the CTE.


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