Local church honoring MLK’s legacy

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – Honoring Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. has been the vision all weekend leading up to MLK Day.
Pine Grove Missionary Baptist Church held a birthday celebration after their church service to tribute to the legacy of MLK.
The celebration was filled with praise, and there was free food for everyone who attended.
There were guest speakers from the NAACP and others demonstrating Dr. King’s vision.
“We as leaders today in a position to make an impact we need to do it. Because Dr. King if he was just living today what he says,” said Willie Earl Thomas SR, Starkville’s NAACP Vice President. “If we could hear his voice on YouTube or Facebook and he is speaking, it’ll touch you just like it was yesterday. It’s been 50-something years since he has here but his legacy lives on. That dream lives on, and it should be living on through all of us.”
Members of Starkville NAACP will continue to honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. on MLK day.