Shifts in population lead LCBS to approve new voting district map

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Just in time for what is likely to be a busy election season, Lowndes County Supervisors approved a new district map.

District lines had to be redrawn due to population shifts in the 2020 Census.

Districts One and Two lost people, while Districts Four and Five gained voters.

District Three remained relatively unchanged.

Lowndes County leaders are hopeful that any confusion will be temporary and worked out before Primaries are held for county seats.

“Because there was a 10% imbalance, things changed. And we see that all over the State of Mississippi, um, various counties having to redistrict, because of the Census, and that will happen. We won’t have to do this again for another 10 years,” said Lowndes County Board of Supervisors President Trip Hairston.

No voting precincts had to be moved, but some people will be voting in different districts due to the realignment.

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