State child care service show their appreciation for foster parents

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – Children are removed from their homes because parents can no longer care for them or because parents are not caring for them at all. It happens for all sorts of reasons.

That’s where foster parents come in. People who step up and help until permanent homes can be found.

The Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services thanked Starkville area foster parents on May 18, at the Starkville Sportsplex.

Nearly 4,000 children are in state custody right now according to the Mississippi Department of Child Protection Services.

Each year during May, CPS takes time to thank the people who care for those children.

CPS has been touring the state showing love to foster parents through meals and special events.

Farren Brooks is a foster parent recruitment supervisor.

She said she wants foster parents to know they are needed and appreciated.

“Today they will receive a certificate of appreciation,” Brooks said. “We have fed them and we have activities that they have participated in to say thank you and we hope that this continues as a way to say thank you to them.”

Franklin Hamby is a foster parent. He said the event made him and other parents feel noticed.

“I feel that it’s nice to know that we are seen and recognized as saints for things that we do,” Hamby said.

Hamby said he will continue to foster and adopt because there are so many kids in need.

There were different vendors from other childcare services from all around the state of Mississippi.

Recruiters say they need more parents.

The goal is to provide a solid home life until the children and their families can be reunited safely and lovingly.

If you are interested in becoming a foster parent, you can look on the website of the Department of Child Protection Services.

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