Video: TPSD Educates Parents About New Curriculum

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TUPELO, MISS. (WCBI) – Dr. Leigh Mobley and her staff in the Tupelo Public School District’s curriculum and instruction office have been meeting a lot recently, as the district implements the Common Core Curriculum.

Common Core was developed by the National Governor’s Association and the council of chief state school officers. It ‘s designed to help students be better prepared for college and the workforce when they graduate.
It means an overhaul in teaching methods and school administrators want parents to be informed about the changes.
“We are holding Common core nights throughout the district, throughout the year, there’s several this semester, some next semester,” said Dr. Mobley.
At each session, parents will have a chance to ask questions and they will also learn all about the Common Core State Standards and how it will all impact the classrooms.
There will also be information about how students progress will be measured, or assessed.
“We ‘re just doing everything we can to prepare for those assessments, knowing that our biggest obstacle will be that students will be asked to do so much more than they currently are,” Dr. Mobley said.
To help better prepare staff for the Common Core transition, some administrators will be taking part in a national training initiative.
“It’s very in depth , where we look at our school district in comparison to districts across the nation and they’re helping us to prepare our teachers and administrators for changes coming with Common Core,” said Amy Ferguson, with the curriculum and instruction office.
Plans call for schools to be assessed under Common Core guidelines in the 2014 2015 school year. But Tupelo is already transitioning to the new curriculum. Parents are strongly encouraged to attend the Common Core meetings, so they can find out how their students will be impacted, and hopefully, make the transition as smooth as possible.
Categories: Local News

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