Community organizations are lending a helping hand to those in need

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Dozens of people receive enough goods to stock up their pantry. 

The United Way of Lowndes and Noxubee Counties and the Helping Hands sported today’s event. 

Canned goods and sweet potatoes were given to those in need. 

The sweet potatoes were delivered this morning. 

Organizers say food giveaways are not just important, they are necessary. 

“The times that we are in, people sometimes don’t know where their next dollar is coming from. Food is getting more expensive, and we just want to help as much as we can. If it’s a little or a lot. We just run on donations and we just want to give back out to the community,” said Jennifer Garrard, Helping Hands Assistant Director. “Families with children and some grandparents that are raising their grandchildren. So, a lot of donations where they are catering towards children and really giving us things that children would normally bring for snacks at school.”

Around 100 people were given food boxes today. 


Categories: Local News

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