How to keep your pets protected in cold weather
GOLDEN TRIANGLE, Miss. (WCBI) – The cold temperatures can require people to winterize their homes and find ways to keep warm.
However, on cold days like these, it’s important to remember our four-legged friends and take the right steps to keep them out of the cold.
It’s freezing outside, so of course, you are not going to risk your health or safety. The outreach Coordinator for the Columbus-Lowndes Humane society said the same should apply to your pets.
“With the weather being this cold they definitely run the risk of hypothermia, frostbite. It can happen very quickly. We really want every dog and cat inside,” said Johnson.
Johnson said that some breeds of animals do prefer to stay outside, but gives tips on how we can ensure that they stay warm and the best materials to use.
“Have good housing. Lots of straw. Tractor supply sales compressed straw. It’s a big bale and a little goes a long way. Heat lamps if you can possibly have some. Don’t have them really close to the bedding and tarps to cover them from the wind,” said Johnson.
The Clay County Animal Shelter posted on Facebook that they were giving out free hay to people for animals.
Director Neely Bryan said the importance of reaching out to the community.
“We wanted to make it available to people. You know I appreciate it so much when someone actually comes up here and ask for hay because it shows that they care,” said Bryan.
Bryan said the shelter offers resources for those animals who don’t have homes and need shelter from the cold.
“They can call 911 and our animal control officer will come to get the animal and bring it to the shelter,” said Bryan.
Bryan does have a golden rule that applies to all our pets.
“There is an old quote saying of how you treat your animals says everything about who you are and if you are leaving them outside on chains, in the frigid temps, and in the heat what does that say about you? It’s not right we’ve got to do better, ” said Bryan.
Bryan said that it is wise to feed your pets more in cold weather.
This will help to keep them warm.
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