Lowndes County officials make decision on city’s budget

LOWNDES COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Lowndes County supervisors approved next fiscal year’s budget.
Although supervisors slightly decreased millage, property owners will still pay more in taxes.
The value of a mill went up after a state required re-evaluation of property values.
The road department will get new equipment in the budget.
Board President Trip Hairston said the parks and recreation department will get one new employee and operating costs went up due to the soccer complex.
“It is very important to take care of your employees because our employees are good to for the county. They provide a great service to the taxpayer and we want to do what we could for them to try and retain and recruit employees for the county”, said Hairston.
County leaders also had to fund an increase in the Public Employees Retirement System.
Those same employees also get a $.75 an hour pay increase this year.
Hairston said inflation with the cost of equipment and food at the jail also played a role in this year’s budget.