MUW and ECCC collaborate to enhance educational access

DECATUR, Miss. (WCBI) – East Central Community College and Mississippi University for Women are partnering for a new educational pathway collaboration.
The schools are now offering a “3+1+1” Memorandum of understanding.
This agreement offers students in select career and technical education programs a seamless pathway to earn an associate’s, bachelor’s and master’s degree.
Under this “3+1+1” agreement signed by W President Nora Miller and ECCC President Dr. Brent Gregory, students will complete three years of study at ECCC, one year at The W to earn a bachelor’s degree, followed by an additional year for a master’s degree. The MOU establishes 17-degree pathway options for students, including business management technology, culinary arts, marketing and information technology.
This partnership underscores ECCC and The W’s joint commitment to enhancing educational access and promoting professional advancement within Mississippi.