Patrolman and medical expert explains importance of a winter kit
Patrolman and medical expert explains importance of a winter kit

STARKVILLE/COLUMBUS Miss. (WCBI) -The Mississippi Highway Patrol is investigating a crash in Noxubee County that left one man dead. The cause of the man’s death is unknown at this time, but investigators believe there is a possibility hypothermia may have played a role.
When the mercury drops to freezing and below, your body begins to behave differently.
“Dangers can be your body temperature can get too low,” said Amy Bogue, CEO of Dutch Health Services. “And that is when organs in your body will start to shut down.”
“When it gets really cold.” “Your body knows that the blood needs to support the major organs, so all your blood tends to flow in that torso area.”
You want to avoid being exposed to the elements for any length of time.
One way to do that is to make sure your vehicle is ready.
“If you get out there and you are traveling, and you get stranded, you can try to avoid that by doing pre-maintenance checks,” said Derrick Beckom, Staff Sergeant at Mississippi Highway Patrol. “Doing things like checking your antifreeze and having de-icer for your windshields.”
Mississippi Highway Patrol Staff Sergeant Derrick Beckom said there are a few things you should keep in your car to make sure *YOU* are ready too.
“If you get stranded out there, you want to try to have some type of winter kit, such as blankets, gloves,” said Beckom. “And things to help keep you warm, just in case you are out there for an extended time. ”
“You may want to have something to drink,” said Beckom. “Even having those little hand warmers can help. Make sure that you have your phone charged up, even having a phone charger.”
Beckom said those things could be the difference between life or death while waiting for help to arrive.
Beckom said it is also best to always let someone know where you are going in case of an emergency.