Preparation underway for Starkville referendum and special election

STARKVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – Preparations started Wednesday for Thursday’s referendum and special election in Starkville.

Voting machines were taken to voting precincts and set up late Wednesday afternoon.

Starkville residents will vote on a one percent restaurant and hotel tax for a new sportsplex and improvements at other parks.

Some will also cast a ballot in the Ward 5 special election.

There are a few things voters need to know before going to the polls.

“They need to come with a voter ID, a photo ID. They need to know where they’re going to vote and that depends on where they live. They vote in the precinct where they live. If they do not know, they can call the city clerk’s office,” said P.C. McLaurin, of the Election Commission.

Polls open at 7 a.m. Thursday and close at 7 p.m.

Categories: Local News

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