Scooba man immediately arrested after overnight murder

BROOKSVILLE, Miss. (WCBI) – One young man is dead, and another is in jail following a fatal shooting Monday night in Brooksville.
When Brooksville Police arrived at the scene of a car crash on Highway 145, they found more than they bargained for.
They found 20-year-old Rodriquez Kendarius Pippin from Brooksville dead of an apparent gunshot wound.
They quickly arrested a suspect, another young man, 18-year-old Robert Jennings of Scooba.
Brooksville Police Chief, Virginia Rich said she is devastated by the rare incident.
“Our condolences to the victim’s family and everybody involved because this was a senseless act and it affects everybody, the community as well,” Virginia Rich said.
With yet another crime involving young people and firearms, many in the community believe something needs to be done, sooner rather than later.
“All of us need to come together right now and talk to our younger generation and let them know that there is more than a solution than getting a gun,” R.L Calhoun said. “Because the gun right now is violent right now and pretty much took the county over the past couple of years. Right now I want to pray for Noxubee County.”
Robert Jennings has been booked into the Lowndes County Jail, charged with Murder.
Noxubee County Coroner R.L. Calhoun said an autopsy will be performed.
The investigation is still open, and the Mississippi Bureau of Investigation is assisting the Brooksville Police Department.
“Please contact us if you have any information,” Rich said. “We do not want people to try to take the law into their own hands. You can also contact the police department directly or Crime Stoppers.”
Bond is set at $500,000, and MBI has a hold on the suspect.