Video: Alcorn Co. Uses Latest Technology In Elections
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CORINTH, Miss. (WCBI) — It’s the day after Mississippi’s primary elections. Some candidates are celebrating clear victory. Others are preparing for a runoff.
That quick turn around of three weeks for run-off candidates doesn’t leave Circuit Clerks and their staff a lot of time to prep.
That’s why some counties are implementing new technology in their voting routines.
Alcorn County is the first in North Mississippi to use electronic poll books for elections.
Crystal Starling is the Alcorn County Deputy Circuit Clerk and she says the recent upgrade has reaped big benefits already.
“It has been a tremendous help as far as with ballot splits and our precincts that have more than one representative or superintendent race. And that does not allow any clerical error on that,” said Starling.
Those small clerical errors can make a big difference in the election numbers.
” With the Chris McDaniel campaign, that was contested because of cross votes. Most of that I think they did determine was due to clerical error. People just not realizing or looking at the poll book. We in Alcorn County were the only county that absolutely had zero cross votes because the electronic poll book did not allow it, in any circumstances,” said Starling.
Starling also says the electronic poll books make sure voters stick with their party affiliation.
“If you vote one party in the first election, if there is a run-off three weeks later, you have to vote the same party. It will not allow you to cross vote,” said Starling.
The electronic poll books were purchased by the county and Starling says many counties have followed their system also.
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