Video: Itawamba Non Traditional Adoption
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ITAWAMBA COUNTY, Miss.(WCBI)–In May WCBI News visited with an Itawamba County couple expecting twin Guatamalan baby boys; they used a modern technology method where they adopted embryos.
A happy mother clutches an armful of twin boys, her home just got a little bit more crowded. Three months ago the couple had faith that all would be well, faith now has become sight.
“We were excited but we did not know how hard it was going to be with twins. But its absolutely double the joy and double the blessing,” said Amber Gholston/Itawamba County Mother.
Its only been about 9 weeks since the arrival of these guys, but already they are smiling, talking, and even fussing a little bit at times.
“They’re, you starting to be able to see their individual personalities. Zeke usually is my laid back one, right now he is not happy about something,” said Amber Gholston.
The Gholston are calling their experience a personal decision between them and God, one that allows her to experience the bonding of pregnancy with her then unborn boys.
“And the benefits for them were, I had control over their prenatal care and we were able to take care of them the best,” said Amber Gholston.
The frozen Guatamalan embryos were 11 years old and the chance of conception not guaranteed, but months later, a lot of love is being heaped on two healthy baby boys.
“Its about a 20% chance of a woman getting pregnant through embryo adoption. But the likelihood of both of the embryos implanted and having twins is even lower,” said Amber Gholston.
The only main difference to remember is that with the embryo adoption method, the embryos are not biologically related to the future parents. And they are not taken home fully grown children.
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