Winona High School twins graduate at the top of their class

WINONA, Miss. (WCBI)- Hannah and Kendall Stanley have shared everything all their lives. In less than a week, the twins will share the experience of walking across the stage to receive their diplomas from Winona High School, as the top two graduates of their class.

“I have always wanted to have good grades, and I have always strived to get good grades, said Kendall, Winona High School’s Salutatorian. “I was not expecting to be top two.”

“It is kind of the same for me, I have always wanted to be in the top ten,” said Hannah, Winona High School’s Valedictorian. “I have always wanted to get 90’s and 100’s, but I never expected to actually be the top one.”

The twins said they’ve always worked hard, knowing that’s what it takes to be successful.

“My motivation is that I want to be able to make something of myself, I do not want to have the same old job,” said Kendall. “I want to be able to provide for my future family. ”

“My motivation is not to seem like I have a big ego, but it has always been to be one of the best,” said Hannah. “I do not have to be the best, but I do want to be one of the best. I do not want to be a normal person; I want to leave a legacy whenever I leave.”

The next step for the duo is college and embarking on their careers. And this may be where their paths diverge.

“My next goal is to become an RN, and then I want to become a travel nurse for a little while,” said Kendall. “I eventually want to become a nurse anesthetist and travel with that.”

“I hope to get my master’s in counseling to become a guidance counselor for either a high school or a college,” said Hannah. “I really want to help other students because I know how hard it was to make decisions for college and stuff, and I want to help them do that. ”

Hannah will be attending Holmes Community College, and Kendall will attend the Mississippi University for Women. It will be their first time away from each other. The Stanley sisters said no matter how far apart they are, their bond will never change.

“We have always had a strong bond, even when we argue,” said Kendall. “We can argue and have the worst argument ever, and then 20 minutes later, we are back friends again. You can tell we have such a bond.”

Hannah and Kendall will graduate from Winona High School on May 24th.

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