Winston County Sheriff’s Office invests into new drone

WINSTON COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI) – Two of the latest additions to the Winston County Sheriff’s Office will allow law enforcement to have a bird’s eye view of investigations.

The sheriff’s office already owns a drone but it decided to invest in an upgrade and add to its collection.

It seems like technology is quickly changing day by day.

Today’s equipment can feel like ancient history tomorrow.

A couple of years ago the Winston County Sheriff’s office got the best drone money could buy thanks to its community and now this year it was time for an upgrade.

A couple of years ago the Winston County Sheriff’s office asked local businesses in the area to donate money for a drone.

432 flights, 13 recoveries of both elderly and children, and nine fugitive arrests later, the investment paid off.

“The ability to be able to have the bird’s eye view and have situational awareness is paramount to success,” said Kohrs.

Winston County Sheriff’s Office Deputy Scott Kohrs said the department requested a second round of donations for two drones that can withstand almost any environment.

“The first drone is a much-improved search and rescue vehicle the second drone is a tactical drone that is much smaller and cheaper but it’s smaller and completely enclosed where it can fly inside buildings and bounce off the walls and it won’t crash. It will fly inside buildings so we can get eyes on things like active shooters and structure fires and any kind of structure collapse, chemical spills, gas leaks anywhere it would be unsafe to send a person we can send this little drone,” said Kohrs.

And while there are two new drones joining the team all three drones serve their own purpose.

“The smaller drone is more geared toward officer safety and emergency personnel safety, the medium drone we are still using it. We are using it for a trainer for one and two we are using it as a backup to the primary drone so we are able to use two drones on a search and rescue and cover more areas and find the individuals faster. The larger drone is going to be strictly outside large area search and rescue and for situational awareness for different types of operations,” said Kohrs,” said Kohrs.

Deputy Kohrs also wants to add that if you see a drone around your home do not shoot it down because that is a felony by the Federal Aviation Administration.

You can always call your local sheriff’s office and they will be happy to help.

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