Video: Pump Gas At Night

[bitsontherun JRcrn3te]COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) -You’re traveling at night. You need to fill up. That gas station that looks closed, might still be open for business, at least at the pump.

Do you always find yourself looking for a 24 hour gas station when traveling at night? Well, your search just got easier. Some gas stations close their stores, but leave their pumps on.

“When people are traveling long distances and stuff it helps that they can come here and can still use the pumps and get gas because they don’t know how far the next gas station will be,” said Tabatha Hollins, Gas Station Manager.

That means less worrying. While the stores are closed, travelers are able to use their credit or debit cards at the pump.

“For a customer that’s looking for gas late at night they can come through here and use their credit cards and just insert and out the pump and use their zip code and you can fill up, you can 5 or 10 dollars debit, whatever and you know just doing it to generate business and keep the store open,” added Anthony Morris, gas station manager.

Its all about making things convenient, everything gets automatically authorized at the pump. No attendant needed. Now, if you’re going to pay cash you’ll have to find a store 24 hours a day.

Lights on at the pumps are a good sign that you can still fill up.

Categories: Local News

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