Video: CMSD Letting Students Plot Their Own Path
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COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI) — In two days, Columbus Municipal School District students will be back to class , and this year comes with some new options to give students a chance to follow their own career path.
When students get back to class this week, they will be welcomed by some new opportunities.
Pathways rolls out this year, giving students the chance to personalize their education more than ever.
“We’re really grasping at that youngsters interest and allow them to learn more through application,” says CMSD Superintendent Dr.Philip Hickman
Even students as young as kindergarten will start to plot their path, learning about what interests them.
It’s a plan to engage students, so they understand the importance of their education.
“Our children do not understand the direction that they’re going,” says Dr. Hickman.
By letting kids chose their interest,C-M-S-D is hoping students will become more motivated.
“Kids want to get meaning out of learning,” says Dr. Hickman.
The new program also let’s students achieve more, with potential to earn high school hours in middle school and college credit hours in high school.
” Kids can graduate high school with already an associates degree, they can also have certificates,” says Dr. Hickman.
Putting CMSD students at an advantage that will carry them throughout their life.
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