Parking Rules For The 23rd Annual Market Street Festival

COLUMBUS, Miss. (WCBI)- Thousands of people are expected to pour into the Friendly City for a weekend of fun during the 23rd Annual Market Street Festival.

Many people will spend money buying food along with other items from vendors.

However, you could find yourself spending extra money if you don’t park in the correct locations.

Parking lots in the city that’ll be closed due to this weekend’s festival include: the parking lot behind Catfish Ally, J Broussard’s, the parking lot behind the U.S. Post office, and the gravel parking lot at the River Walk.

Streets closing from six o’clock Friday morning until no later than noon on Sunday include: Main Street and Third Street to Sixth Street.

However, Fifth Street will remain open to North and South traffic only until 3 o’clock Friday evening.

Also, street closings from 3 o’clock on Friday until 9 o’clock on Saturday include:

Fifth Street- Second Avenue North up to Third Avenue South.

College Street-Third Street South to Seventh Street South.

Main Street-Third Street to Seventh Street.

Sixth Street South-past the post office up to Third Avenue South.

Fourth Street South-Main Street up to Third Avenue South.

Fourth Street North-no through traffic between Main Street and Second Avenue North.

Third Street South-Main Street up to Third Avenue South will be one way going South.

There will be special entrances on Friday afternoon.

Traffic will be allowed at College and Seventh Street for pick up only at First United Methodist Daycare.

Now that we know which streets and parking lots that will be closed this weekend, remember, if you don’t move your vehicle by closing times, it will be towed to the Farmers’ Market parking lot at the owner’s expense.

For more information on the parking rules for this year’s Market Street Festival, visit for more information.

Categories: Local News

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