Please Return on Monday, a message about smart driving

TUPELO, Miss. (WCBI) – The Mississippi Highway Patrol is driving home a message to high school students this Spring.

Please Return on Monday. It’s a statewide message to remind students to make smart decisions when they’re driving.

High School Prom season and Spring Break are just around the corner, and State Troopers will be making the rounds to area high schools reminding students to use their seatbelts, put down the phones, and most importantly, don’t drink and drive.

“We team up with the Department of Rehabilitation Services, and they set this all up. We come in and speak; they bring in a speaker that has had some traumatic experience to show the kids what could possibly happen to them. We show one aspect of possible death, they show another aspect if you don’t die in a car accident,” said Bryan McGee, Troop F, Public Info Officer.

This is the fifth year for the Highway Patrol’s PROM Program.

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