Video: A Woodland Christmas
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WOODLAND, Miss. (WCBI)-Did you ever climb in the car with the family for a trip to look at Christmas lights? They’re not always easy to find, unless you know where to look.
It takes about an hour to get from Columbus to the Woodlawn Community in Choctaw County, but the drive is well worth it.
When turning off highway 15 into the Woodland community, at first glance, you might think you’ve ended up at the North Pole. People here take their Christmas cheer very seriously.
There are over one million lights on display at every house and business throughout the Woodland Community. Now can you imagine, untangling that many lights for the entire town?
“Everybody in town helps. We use a lot of county inmates they come out. Without them we could not do this. I mean they are wonderful help,” says Mayor Watkins.
“Every year everybody comes together to display the lights. Everybody likes helping put them out and everybody really enjoys seeing them,” says Talitha Hudson.
The board that oversees the Christmas display is all women, but when young Willie Atkinson wanted to help out, he was welcomed with open arms.
“It feels wonderful; because I got a chance to help out these wonderful ladies and let the other people see how well we all did,” says Willie Atkinson.
Woodland’s light display is unique because the town offers free lights to those who cannot afford them. How’s that for the Christmas spirit?
“I think just by allowing them to be part of it. A lot of people segregate other people and here we don’t it doesn’t matter who you are or where you are or where your from your still a part and that is what the town of Woodland is all about,” says Hudson.
“We don’t have to contact them. We just go and they say put whatever you want in my yard and hook up to my house. And everybody happy. So most everybody is excited to have Christmas lights in town,” says Mayor Watkins.
No matter their age, visitors always leave with a smile on their face.
“My favorite part is seeing the joy on every body’s faces and the miracles that happen at Christmas there are so many. And its because of the people and what they do. Is why the miracles are there,” says Hudson.
The lights will be on display every Friday and Saturday night through Christmas.
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