Weather alert apps are vital for those who need the notification

WEBSTER COUNTY, Miss. (WCBI)-14 seconds could save your life. Severe weather can become dangerous in an instant, leaving little time to react, but thanks to modern technology, you become more proactive; instead of reactive.

The term “Code Red” is usually used during an emergency, but in Webster County, “Code Red” is used for a different reason.

“It’s a mass notification system we use it here to notify the citizens of bad weather coming in or boil water notices and stuff like that,” said Webster County EMA director Barry Rushing.

Rushing said the “Code Red” app is vital for his community.

” It’s important that citizens have that. It could be a life-saving tool I mean if you don’t get a notification. “Code Red” might be the only one to get through to you,” said Rushing.

The app can be accessed on any mobile device and Rushing said it’s now a tool that they’ve become accustomed to.

“We’ve had code red here probably eight years. We’ve been utilizing it pretty regularly,” said Rushing.

Rushing said 14 seconds went by when he tested the alert app; that response was one of the fastest he had seen and the alert can be sent from various places.

“I can send them most of them are sent from the dispatch center and that’s a good thing about code red. The department head can send notifications when they need to or they can be sent from the 911 center,” said rushing.

To sign up for code red in Webster County visit and follow the link.

Categories: Local News

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